Sciens B2B Supply Chain Risk Model
Confidently manage supply chain risk
What is it?
Australia’s economy is largely driven by international trade, specializing in the export of minerals and services while importing manufactured goods. This high exposure to global markets has resulted in significant risks to the supply chain amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. With the closure of borders and restraint of trade, there will be a short to medium term impact on the supply chain.
Sciens have modelled the interactions between industries at the ANZSIC Group (3-digit) level to determine how much of the total production of each industry is consumed by the other industries. This enables the creation of measures that model the upstream and downstream effects and ultimately understand how each industry is impacted by changes in its supply chain due to the volume of imports and exports of commodities across industries.
Sciens are tracking the flow of commodities on a month-to-month basis and feeding that information into the supply chain risk models allows us to recalculate and adjust risk scores for each industry accordingly.
The Sciens B2B Supply Chain Risk Model is an integrated geospatial database that uses observations or data related to Australian imports and exports, business location and size statistics, the supply and use of products in the Australian economy, and the structure of and inter-relationships between Australian industries to measure and track the impact on the Australian supply chain.
How can you use it?
The Sciens B2B Supply Chain Risk Model can be used to:
Understand and manage risk within your supply chain
Manage supplier and consumer supply chain risk over time
Incorporate supply risk into existing risk models
Enrich existing decision making models with supply risk scores for better informed decision making
Manage supply chain risk at the location and industry level
Track and monitor supply chain risk over time across businesses, industries and geographic locations
Sciens work collaboratively with our partners and clients to mitigate risk utilizing the supply chain risk data model
Contact us to speak more about how Sciens can help with your next project